I Did It… The Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend

Bibs at Tamarack Ottawa After months of training with blood, sweat and mostly tears, Ottawa Marathon weekend has arrived.  Was I ready?  I first started training for the race back in January when Barb peer-pressured me to get back into running.  I use to love running but after taking some months off to focus on yoga it was difficult to get back into it.  It was always a goal of mine to participate in the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend so I had to jump on the chance to run it when I heard Barb signed up.  Training was difficult.  Once you stop running your endurance decreases.  In fact when I started running again I found it difficult to run for longer than 5 minutes.  It was quite embarrassing.  But I slowly increase my distance and incorporated hills (which wasn’t difficult to do when you live in Montreal… a very hilly city compared to running in Burlington or Oakville).

There was another obvious reason as to why I got back into running… my weight.  Since I stopped running regularly weight has creeped back on.  As a former fatty I cannot think of anything that gives me more anxiety.  I pride myself as someone who can still comfortable wear pants she purchased 10 years ago (I take good care of my clothing).  I’m happy to report that I’m almost there.  I’m fitting back in those jeans but could use a bit more wiggle room.

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Things To See In Burlington Vermont

burlington-vt-mapI haven’t been to Vermont before, neither has Tony.  With about a two hour drive from Montreal (assuming there’s no major delays at the border crossing) we thought we should take the opportunity while living here.  We chose Burlington Vermont not only because it’s the state’s largest city but we chose it because it shares the same name as Burlington  Ontario- the city we spent three plus years living in.  I think the city name “Burlington” is just as common as “Springfield.

Vermont is known as one of the scenic states with mountains and a lot of greenery.  It’s a popular destination for skiers during the winter months.  Like Burlington Ontario, Burlington Vermont’s downtown is located near a lake.  It’s quite similar to the feel you would get on Brant Street (that is in Ontario), however, their similarities end there.  The major difference is Burlington VT is a self-supporting city, whereas Burlington ON is part of the greater picture of the GTA (greater Toronto area) and Hamilton.  Burlington ON is more of a residential location, while on the other hand Burlington VT is a destination.  Make sense?

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The Big Apple and Driving from Montreal to Toronto

When Tony and I were thinking about places to move we considered the travel time if we ever wanted to come home.  Since flying can get quite expensive, it would limit how often we visited.  We wanted to live somewhere we could drive home in less than a day need be. Driving from Montreal to Toronto (or in our case Oakville which is west of Toronto) can be done in under six hours.  The drive is very easy- it’s all major highway driving.  The 20 highway in Quebec turns into the 401 once you enter Ontario which goes straight through Toronto.

I think the biggest challenge is the heavy traffic we encounter when traveling through Toronto.  It’s a HUGE slap in the face for a welcome home. I don’t blog about when we’re home but we have managed to come home for major holidays to see friends and family and the occasional enemy.  Now as of  almost six months ago, when we go home I get to visit this cutie.  Isn’t he adorable???  I”m going to kidnap him once and bring him to Montreal for a weekend.  Shhhhhh!

Me & Anthony... not sure if he's feeling the kiss lol.

Me & Anthony… not sure if he’s feeling the kiss lol.

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Dagwoods Restaurant, A Great Alternative to Subway

Yum!  Dagwoods

Yum! Dagwoods!

Looking for something quick  and fresh for lunch but bored of visiting Subway?  That was the dilemma I was facing until a co-worker told me about Dagwoods restaurant and now I’m hooked.

I have been horrible since I moved to Montreal- I buy my lunch almost as much as I bring it.  I hate eating out especially at lunch time because it makes me feel sluggish and it increases the probability of choosing crap to eat.  I want something that’s full of fresh vegetables and doesn’t weigh me down.

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The Roar of the Bell Centre- My Montreal Canadiens Arena Experience

The Bell Centre, photo courtesy of working.com

The Bell Centre, photo courtesy of working.com

One of the things I was told I MUST experience while living in the Montreal is the roar of the Bell Centre.  The city’s beloved Montreal Canadiens arena.  Anyone who knows me is quite aware that I’m not a huge hockey fan.  It wasn’t until the last couple of years that I finally saw my first Toronto Maple Leafs game.  Not exactly a home team to get excited about.  But given the opportunity to watch a sporting event or a theatre show, I’ll picking sports any day.

Tony, on the other hand is a HUGE Montreal Canadiens fan.  So much so while living in southern Ontario he added the French package during hockey season just so he can watch their games.

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Romantic with Chocolate: Vous allez à Juliette et Chocolat

Juliette et ChocolatBarb and I were having a lazy Sunday.  We were suppose to go to Miss Sugarpuss’ burlesque class but were we both drained from the weekend.  Most likely we were just suffering from the winter blues…. it has been a slow start to spring.  With Easter coming next weekend we are hoping spring is just around the corner.

So what do two girls in the city do on a late Sunday afternoon?  They head to St. Laurent Street first for some pad thai and then for some dessert at Juliette et Chocolat.  Barb has been raving about this place for a long time so I knew it was only a matter of time before we would stop there.

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Le Vieux Vélo is Hot Brunch Spot & A Great Choice for Vegetarians

Image courtesy of mrlewburger.com

Image courtesy of mrlewburger.com

Over the weekend Tony and I meet up with our friend Khalid at Le Vieux Vélo for brunch.  If you recall, we met Khalid while hiking on Mont Saint-Hilaire back in November.  He’s another former southern Ontario who has relocated to Montreal.

It was Khalid’s idea to check out Le Vieux Vélo, which is located at 59 Rue Beaubien (east of boulevard Saint-Laurent) because he’s already eaten there twice and loved the selection.

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Best Italian Restaurant in Montreal, The Allegria

The Allegria Restaurant located in Montreal West.

The Allegria Restaurant located in Montreal West.

When I’m looking for something similar to a home cooked meal, you’ll likely find me at the Allegria located in Montreal West on Westminster Avenue.  We consider the Allegria one of the best Italian restaurants in Montreal because of it’s great food and relaxed family-like atmosphere.

Montreal West is a small town within Montreal (obviously located west of the city centre) and is located west of where we live in NDG.  It reminds me of a section of downtown Oakville.  Most of the residence of Montreal West are families and are wealthy (maybe not quite Westmount wealthy).  The town is filled with beautiful older homes that I would died to live in one day.

The Allegria is a fairly new restaurant that opened only a few months before we moved to Montreal.  It is owned and run by a family so you’ll likely run into the same friendly people each time you visit.

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Training for the Ottawa Half Marathon 2013

Finish the Toronto Waterfront Half Marathon 2009.  Victory!

Finish the Toronto Waterfront Half Marathon 2009. Victory!

I’m going to put it out there so I’m accountable to finish it- Barb and I are training for the Ottawa Half Marathon 2013.  The Ottawa Marathon is held annually the last weekend in May and it’s probably the most famous Marathon to run in eastern Canada.  Now that I live less than 2 hours outside of Ottawa it’s a perfect time to participate.

How Long is a Half Marathon

I’m not courageous enough to run the entire Marathon (it’s on my bucket list).  A Half Marathon is clocked in at 21.1 km.  I ran the Toronto Half Marathon in 2009 so I know I can do it but I haven’t been running long distances lately.

History of a Marathon

The word “Marathon” comes from the name of a town in Greece in which a soldier Pheidippides ran from the battlefield in Marathon to Athens in 490 B.C. bringing news of a Greek victory over the Persians.

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Driving in Montreal Tips for Newbies

ArretIf you’re thinking of visiting here are my driving in Montreal tips that I have compiled in the last ten months.

I’m probably going to offend someone, the City and maybe the entire province by saying Montreal has the craziest drivers.  I’m sure there’s some really good drives here but I experience on a regular basis being dangerously cut off and tailgated.  Tony has been really close to losing his marbles a few times.  I think we share this opinion with others but we’re obviously still alive.

Check out my driving in Montreal tips before visiting (dare I say move to) Montreal.

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